At the heart of our church life is the beautiful worship tradition of the Episcopal Church, as part of the world-wide Anglican communion. In-person Sunday worship services are held at 10:00 a.m., and a mid-week service is held Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m. We hope that you will be fed, nurtured, and sustained by our liturgy.

In-Person Worship
Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Wednesday Services at 12:10 p.m.
Sunday Services
10am Holy Eucharist – featuring celebration of the Holy Eucharist, a sermon and music by our Adult Choir. Communion is provided in the form of both gluten and gluten-free wafers and wine is served in the common cup.
During the 10:00 a.m. service, we offer nursery care for children aged 6 months to 4 years with silent pagers available. Sunday School is provided for children in pre-school through fifth grade, featuring our Godly Play and Spark Kidz curricula. Children join their parents upstairs at the Peace.
Assisted listening devices are available if needed. Please speak with an usher if you have any special needs.
Wednesday Mid-Day Service
Christ Church offers a weekly Wednesday service at 12:10 p.m. in the Chapel. Join parishioners and members of our downtown Rockville community for a service of worship and reflection as we pause to recenter ourselves in Christ. Please enter through the main doors of the church.
Worship Tradition
The Episcopal Church is sometimes called a “bridge” church, because of our strong affinities with both Roman Catholic and other Protestant churches and our respect for all faith traditions. Our worship consists of music, prayers, readings from Scripture, and a sermon, followed by what we call the celebration of Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion, a sacred act of remembering and reliving Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. All who seek Christ are welcome to receive Holy Communion.
Our worship is traditional in many ways and quite innovative in others. It is that combination of tradition and innovation that gives the Episcopal Church its distinct feel.
Worship Music
Christ Church has a rich musical tradition of choral music and congregational music. Hymns and Service Music are chosen from Hymnal 1982 as well as from Wonder Love and Praise and LEVAS hymnals. Choral anthems, sung by our Adult Choir and Children's Chorister Choir are drawn from a wide traditional repertoire from England and America, both historical and modern compositions.
Lay Participation in Worship
The laity participates in leading worship. At the Sunday Eucharist, members serve as lectors for the reading of the lessons. Laity also serve as Acolytes, Lectors, Ushers, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers, as well as delivering Communion to our elderly parishioners and leading Morning Prayer.